How to Get Paid to Test Websites, Apps, and Software

Ever heard about making money by testing websites and apps? It’s a cool way to earn some extra cash, and we’re here to break it down for you.

Imagine this: companies want to make sure their websites and apps are super user-friendly. They need real people like you to test them out and give honest feedback. And guess what? They’re willing to pay for your thoughts!

It is all about flexible and short-term jobs that you can do on your terms. Testing websites and apps is a fantastic opportunity for anyone to make money online.

Companies now realize how crucial it is to get feedback directly from users like you. That’s where you come in. Your thoughts can help them make their digital stuff better for everyone.

This blog post is your guide to understanding how testing websites works and, most importantly, how you can make money doing it. Whether you’re a tech whiz or just someone who loves smooth online experiences, we’re here to show you the ropes.

Let’s explore together how testing websites can not only be fun but also put some extra dollars in your pocket. Ready to dive in? Let’s go!

Why Do Companies Pay You to Test The Websites or Apps

Ever wondered why companies would pay you just to test their websites, apps, and software? Well, it’s not just a random act of kindness – there’s a pretty good reason behind it!

1. Your Experience Matters:
Companies are crazy about creating websites and apps that people love to use. They want these digital places to be as user-friendly as possible. And who better to tell them how it feels to use their stuff than you – the actual user?

2. The Power of Feedback:
Imagine you’re trying out a new app, and suddenly, something doesn’t work right. It’s frustrating, right? Companies want to avoid that frustration for users like you. So, they pay attention to your feedback to find and fix those pesky bugs or glitches.

3. Making Things Better for Everyone:
Your opinions are like gold for these companies. They take your suggestions seriously to improve what they’ve created. It’s a win-win – you get a smoother experience, and they get a better product that more people will enjoy using.

4. Enhancing User Satisfaction:
Happy users mean successful companies. By paying attention to your testing feedback, companies can boost their user satisfaction levels. When you enjoy using their websites, apps, or software, they know they’re on the right track.

So, when you’re testing and sharing your thoughts, you’re not just helping yourself – you’re playing a crucial role in making the digital world a better place for everyone.

Companies value your insights, and that’s why they’re willing to put some money in your pocket.

What are the Prerequisites to Start in Website or Apps Testing

Excited to dive into the world of website and app testing? Awesome! Before you get started, let’s see about what you need to kick off your testing journey.

1. Technical Skills:
The good news is you don’t need to be a tech genius. Basic computer skills and the ability to navigate websites and apps are usually all you need. If you can comfortably use your smartphone or computer, you’re off to a great start.

2. Qualifications:
Guess what? You don’t need a bunch of fancy qualifications or certifications to become a tester. Companies are looking for real people with real opinions. As long as you can express your thoughts clearly, you’re on the right track. It’s about your experience as a user, not your degree.

3. Devices and Software:
To test websites and apps, you’ll need the devices they’re designed for. So, if you’re into testing mobile apps, a smartphone or tablet is your go-to. For websites, a computer or laptop is your trusty sidekick. Also, a stable internet connection is your best friend.

Make sure your devices have the latest software updates, as companies want your feedback on their newest features. No need for high-end gadgets – your everyday devices work just fine.

And that’s it! With these basics in place, you’re ready to embark on your testing adventure.

How much time it would take to earn money from Website and Apps Testing

Wondering about the time it’ll take? Let’s break it down so you can plan your testing adventure without any stress.

1. Flexibility is the Name of the Game:
The beauty of testing gigs is the flexibility they offer. You get to decide when and where you want to test. Whether you’re a night owl or an early bird, there’s a testing slot for you.

It’s like having a side hustle that dances to your schedule. So, no worries about fitting it into your busy day – you’re in control.

2. Consistency is Key:
While flexibility is fantastic, being consistent can seriously boost your earning potential. Companies love testers who regularly provide feedback.

It helps them gather a variety of opinions over time. So, if you can set aside a bit of time each week for testing, you’re not just improving websites and apps – you’re building a reliable source of extra income for yourself.

Remember, it’s not about spending hours on end. Even dedicating a few hours a week can make a difference.

The key is to find a rhythm that works for you and stick to it. Consistency not only helps you get more testing opportunities but also ensures you become a trusted tester in the eyes of companies.

How Much You Can Earn Testing Websites and Apps

Curious about the cash part of testing websites, apps, and software? Let’s talk about the moolah – how much you can earn, what factors play a role, and what to expect whether you’re a rookie or a seasoned tester.

1. Breakdown of Earnings:
Earnings per test can vary, but it’s typically a straightforward deal. Companies pay you for your time and insights. Simple, right?

Some tests may offer a fixed rate, while others might pay you based on the complexity or duration of the task. On average, you can expect to earn anywhere from a few bucks to more substantial amounts per test.

2. Factors Influencing Payment:
Now, let’s talk about the nitty-gritty. Payment rates can be influenced by a few factors:

  • Complexity: More complex tests may pay more.
  • Urgency: Some companies offer higher rates for tests that need quick feedback.
  • Special Requirements: If a test requires specific skills or qualifications, it might pay more.

The amount of money earned varies by website and the type of tests completed. User testers typically earn between $10 to $60 per test

It’s like a mini gig economy within the testing world, and your potential earnings can reflect the unique aspects of each test.

3. Realistic Expectations:
For beginners, it’s essential to start with realistic expectations. While the allure of big bucks is there, it might take some time to build up a steady flow of tests. Don’t worry – it’s part of the process.

As you gain experience and build a reputation as a reliable tester, more opportunities will come your way.

Experienced testers, on the other hand, can leverage their track record to access higher-paying tests. It’s all about proving your testing prowess and becoming a go-to tester for companies.

Remember, while testing won’t make you a millionaire overnight, it’s a fun way to make extra money, and the more you put into it, the more you get out.

So, whether you’re a testing newbie or a seasoned pro, dive in, have fun, and let the earnings roll in!

How to Get Started

Let’s walk through the steps to get you started, create an awesome testing profile, and make you stand out in the world of testing.

1. Sign Up on Testing Platforms:
The first step is finding the right testing platforms. There are several out there, each with its unique opportunities.

Sign up on platforms like UserTesting, TryMyUI, or Userlytics – they’re user-friendly and well-known in the testing community.

The Entire list of websites in given below in the next part.

Registration is typically free and straightforward. Just fill in your details, create a username, and you’re in!

2. Create an Appealing Testing Profile:
Your testing profile is your virtual resume, so let’s make it shine!

  • Be Honest: Companies want real users, so be honest about your demographics, interests, and tech skills.
  • Upload a Clear Photo: Putting a face to your profile adds a personal touch.
  • Write a Brief Bio: Share a bit about yourself, your interests, and why you enjoy testing.

A well-crafted profile shows companies that you’re serious and ready to provide valuable feedback.

3. Tips to Stand Out:
Want to catch the eye of companies scouting for testers? Here are some tips:

  • Take Sample Tests Seriously: Some platforms offer sample tests. Treat them like real gigs – it’s your chance to showcase your skills.
  • Communicate Clearly: Good communication is key. During tests, articulate your thoughts clearly. Companies love testers who can express themselves well.
  • Be Reliable: Consistency matters. Complete tests on time and provide thoughtful feedback. Companies appreciate reliability.

Remember, standing out doesn’t mean being a tech genius; it’s about being genuine and reliable.

So, there you have it – sign up, create a killer profile, and follow these tips to make a lasting impression.

List of Websites to Get Started

  1. UserTesting:
    • UserTesting is one of the most popular platforms for website and app testing.
    • It offers a wide range of testing opportunities for both desktop and mobile platforms. Testers provide feedback on user experience, design, and functionality.
  2. TryMyUI:
    • TryMyUI is another website testing platform that focuses on usability testing.
    • Testers are asked to perform specific tasks on websites and provide feedback on their experience. It’s known for its user-friendly interface and clear instructions.
  3. Userlytics:
    • Userlytics offers testing opportunities for websites, apps, prototypes, and even physical products.
    • Testers participate in remote usability studies and provide feedback through video recordings and surveys. It’s known for its diverse range of testing projects.
  4. UserFeel:
    • UserFeel specializes in website testing and provides testers with tasks to complete while recording their thoughts and actions.
    • Testers offer insights into navigation, design, and overall user experience. It’s praised for its straightforward testing process.
  5. Enroll:
    • Enroll offers a variety of testing tasks, including website usability testing, surveys, and feedback on design concepts.
    • Testers can participate in quick, micro-tests that take only a few minutes to complete. It’s ideal for those looking for quick testing opportunities.

List of Apps to Test

  1. BetaFamily:
    • BetaFamily is a platform specifically designed for testing mobile apps.
    • Testers can sign up to test pre-launch apps and provide feedback to developers.
    • It’s a great way to get early access to new apps and help shape their development.
  2. Testbirds:
    • Testbirds offers testing opportunities for both mobile apps and desktop software.
    • Testers can participate in functional, usability, and compatibility testing for a variety of platforms and devices. It’s known for its comprehensive testing projects.
  3. Erli Bird:
    • Erli Bird connects app developers with beta testers who provide feedback on their apps. Testers can earn rewards for testing new features, reporting bugs, and providing valuable insights.
    • It’s a community-driven platform focused on improving app quality.
  4. PingPong:
    • PingPong is a mobile app testing platform that offers testers the chance to earn rewards for testing and providing feedback on new apps.
    • Testers can participate in various testing tasks, including usability testing and bug reporting. It’s popular among app developers seeking real user feedback.
  5. Ubertesters:
    • Ubertesters is a platform that offers testing services for mobile apps, web apps, and IoT devices.
    • Testers can join projects from companies worldwide and provide feedback on app performance, functionality, and user experience.
    • It’s known for its global reach and diverse testing opportunities.

Some companies to consider for starting a full-time testing role

  1. Testlio:
    • Testlio specializes in testing mobile and web applications, offering a range of testing services including functional, usability, and localization testing.
    • It caters to both startups and enterprise-level companies, providing customized testing solutions.
  2. Applause:
    • Applause offers crowd-testing services for software and applications across various industries.
    • Testers can participate in testing projects for mobile apps, websites, IoT devices, and more. It’s known for its rigorous testing process and high-quality results.
  3. Centercode:
    • Centercode provides beta testing and customer validation services for software and hardware products.
    • Testers can join beta testing programs and provide feedback on pre-release products, helping companies improve their offerings before launch.
  4. Rainforest QA:
    • Rainforest QA offers on-demand testing services for web and mobile applications. Testers can join testing projects and provide feedback on app functionality, usability, and performance. It’s known for its scalable testing solutions and fast turnaround times.
  5. TestFort:
    • TestFort provides comprehensive software testing services, including functional, performance, security, and compatibility testing.
    • It caters to businesses of all sizes and offers customized testing solutions to meet specific project requirements.

Bonus Tips

  1. Diversify Your Testing Opportunities:
    • Explore different testing platforms and projects to maximize your earning potential. Don’t limit yourself to just one platform or type of testing. By diversifying, you can access a wider range of opportunities and increase your overall earnings.
  2. Focus on Quality Feedback:
    • Provide detailed and insightful feedback in your testing reports. Developers value testers who can articulate their thoughts clearly and provide constructive criticism. Quality feedback not only improves your reputation as a tester but also increases your chances of being selected for future projects.
  3. Stay Organized:
    • Keep track of your testing schedule, deadlines, and payments. Use calendars, task lists, or project management tools to stay organized and ensure you meet your commitments. Being reliable and punctual will help you build trust with testing platforms and clients.
  4. Continuous Learning:
    • Stay updated with the latest trends and technologies in website, app, and software testing. Invest time in learning new testing methodologies, tools, and best practices. Continuous learning not only enhances your skills but also opens up new opportunities for higher-paying testing projects.


  1. How much can I earn by testing websites, apps, and software?
    Earning potential varies depending on factors such as the testing platform, project complexity, and your level of experience. On average, testers can earn anywhere from $10 to $100 per hour, with some projects offering even higher payouts.
  2. Do I need any specific qualifications or skills to become a tester?
    While formal qualifications are not always required, having a keen eye for detail, good communication skills, and the ability to provide valuable feedback are essential. Familiarity with different devices, operating systems, and testing methodologies can also be advantageous.
  3. Are there any upfront costs involved in becoming a tester?
    Generally, there are no upfront costs to join testing platforms or participate in testing projects. However, you may need access to reliable internet connectivity, devices (such as smartphones, tablets, or computers), and testing tools. Some platforms may require you to pass a qualification test before you can start testing.
  4. How can I increase my chances of getting selected for testing projects?
    To increase your chances of getting selected, complete your profile on testing platforms accurately and thoroughly. Be proactive in applying for testing opportunities and ensure your availability aligns with project deadlines. Additionally, focus on providing high-quality feedback and building a positive reputation within the testing community.
  5. Is website, app, and software testing suitable for beginners?
    Yes, website, app, and software testing can be a great way for beginners to earn extra income and gain experience in the tech industry. Many testing platforms welcome beginners and provide resources and support to help them get started. As you gain experience and expertise, you can progress to more challenging and higher-paying testing projects.


It’s clear that website testing is not just about making a few extra bucks—it’s about being part of a dynamic process that shapes the digital landscape.

From websites to apps to software, companies rely on real-world insights to refine their offerings, ensuring they meet the needs and expectations of users like you.

Our feedback isn’t just valuable; it’s essential in identifying bugs, improving functionality, and ultimately enhancing user satisfaction.

Whether you’re a seasoned tech guru or a newbie eager to learn, there’s room for you in the world of paid testing. Flexibility in schedule and consistency in effort are key ingredients for success.

To maximize your earning potential and efficiency, we shared bonus tips, such as diversifying opportunities, providing quality feedback, and staying organized. These strategies not only boost your income but also enhance your reputation as a trusted tester.

Now, it’s time for you to seize the opportunity. Start your testing journey today, armed with knowledge and enthusiasm. Share your experiences, connect with fellow testers, and contribute to the ever-evolving digital ecosystem.

Remember, being a paid tester isn’t just about the paycheck—it’s about being part of something bigger. It’s about shaping the future of technology, one test at a time. So, go ahead, embrace the challenge, and let your feedback pave the way for better digital experiences for us all. Happy testing!

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